on Sunday, 9 August 2009

Science teachers can make appropriate use of ICT to help achieve their teaching and learning objectives. ICT can support more effective learning and to achieve results. Some might say the use of ICT imposes additional burdens on pupils, but we must look at the positive side of it such as increased understanding of the scientific processes.

For a teacher before we incorporate technology with Science, what we neeed to take into considerations in teaching Science are:

Scientific Knowledge
Scientific Process Skills
Scientific Attitudes and Values

Its is the teachers responsibility to inculcate these 3 aspects within the students in teaching Science. Without these 3 important aspects a Science lesson could not be done.

As I had posted under the heading 'Mathematics', technology involves the use of computers, projectors, photo copy machines, television, CD/DVD players, Interactive White Boards (IWB), cameras and video cameras.

Scientific Knowledge

Before starting a class teachers must be mentally and physically prepare on what to teach the students. All teaching aids must be prepare earlier to ensure a smooth and interesting lesson. Science is a fun subject, a blank teacher would tarnish that joy and the objective of the lesson would not be achieve. Knowledge in ICT would also help a lot in making the lesson fun. Teachers can use the internet such as watch an experiment on "Youtube". For example sink and float experiment.

Scientific Process Skills

Teaching Science usually involve Inquiry Learning. Here is where teachers need to guide students to use their minds-om and hands-on experiences to develop the process skills required. Some of the process skills especially in doing practical work or experiments are predicting, observing, recording and comparing results. For example
"Raisin elevator". Pupils need to apply all these process skills to do this experiment.

items needed are: Sodium Bicarbonate, raisins, beaker

Firstly: pupils must predict what will happen?
Secondly: the pupils will carry out the experiment by pouring the sodium bicarbonate into the beaker and then inserting the raisin in the beaker.
Thirdly: the pupils need to tabulate, take note or record any findings the think necessary.
Fourthly: compare their findings with friends and present their results

Scientific Attidtudes and Values

This scientific aspect involves pupils interactions with each other such as sharing, communicating with their friends, being honest, respecting their friend's opinions and ideas.

Nonetheless teachers attitudes are also important in making the classroom an interesting one.


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